How to Make Your Own Scrunchies

What’s a fashion accessory that made a stylish comeback and is also a fun and easy DIY project? Scrunchies, of course! Making your own allows you to customize them with your favorite fabrics, colors, and patterns, ensuring they perfectly match your style. Here’s a simple guide on how to create your own scrunchies at home.

Materials You’ll Need

Before you start, gather the following materials:

  • Fabric (about 18 inches long and 4 inches wide)
  • Elastic (about 8-10 inches long)
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread or a sewing machine
  • Safety pin

Step 1: Cut the Fabric

Begin by cutting a piece of fabric to the desired size. For a standard scrunchie, an 18-inch-long and 4-inch-wide strip of fabric works well.

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If you want a fuller scrunchie, you can cut the fabric longer or wider. Once you’ve cut your fabric, fold it in half lengthwise with the right sides facing each other. This will create a long, narrow tube.

Step 2: Sew the Fabric

Next, sew along the edge of the fabric, leaving a small seam allowance (about ¼ inch). If you’re using a sewing machine, this step will be quick and easy. If you prefer hand-sewing, use a simple running stitch to sew the edge. Once sewn, turn the fabric tube right-side out by pulling the fabric through the open ends.

Step 3: Insert the Elastic

Now it’s time to add the elastic. Attach a safety pin to one end of the elastic and use it to guide the elastic through the fabric tube. Once the elastic is threaded through, remove the safety pin and tie the ends of the elastic together in a knot. Ensure the knot is secure, as this will hold the scrunchie together.

Step 4: Close the Scrunchie

After securing the elastic, tuck the raw edges of the fabric tube inside to create a clean finish. Overlap the ends slightly and sew them together. This step can be done by hand or with a sewing machine, depending on your preference. Once sewn, your scrunchie is complete and ready to wear!

Step 5: Personalize

Step 5: Personalize

One of the best things about making your own accessories is the ability to personalize them. Experiment with different fabrics, such as velvet, cotton, or silk, to create a variety of scrunchies for different occasions. You can even add embellishments like bows, beads, or charms to make yours truly unique.

Making your own scrunchies is a simple and enjoyable project that allows you to express your creativity. With just a few basic materials and some easy steps, you can create a collection of stylish scrunchies to match any outfit.

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